The Load Data Window
This window helps load the results of previous VNMR sessions and the experimental data directly from spectrometer.
- Save Type: Select what type of data to load. The choices are: all data, spin system,
experimental setup parameters, or import from XWINNMR (Bruker).
- Edit Target Directory: This text edit window allows the user to type in the target directory to go to
when using the change dir button (10).
- CANCEL button: Allows to cancel and exit the window without loading.
- LOAD button: Clicking on this button will load the selected data.
- BRUKER/XWINNMR data selection: These boxes are used for data selection for import of XWINNMR
data (see Interface to XWINNMR).
- Selected File: This edit box shows selected data file name and allows manual input of the file name
and extension to load the data.
- Files in the current Directory: Shows the content of the current directory and allows file selection using mouse click.
NOTE: only files with the extension vs1 are shown.
- Change Current Directory: Use this button to navigate in the directories displayed above it.
- List of Sub-Directories: Shows the list of subdirectories and the upper directory (..). Use this
display window in conjunction with the Change Current Directory button (8) underneath it to
navigate in the directory tree.
- Change Directory: Use this button and the text edit box to the right of it to navigate to the desired folder.
- Current Dir: Displays the name and path to the current directory.
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Page designed by David Fushman. Modified 12/28/2003.